Art + Culture Books + Comics Movies + TV Music Politics

And Away We Go …

If you get the reference in the title and tagline of this blog … and in the image above … and you are are familiar with said reference material, then you have a pretty good idea of my opinions on politics, pop culture, high culture, and most human endeavors in general. The best book from my favorite (and I think the best ever) author, it’s a pretty good guidebook at the nonsense that is the human race and the silliness with which said humans are running said race.

So why write about all that drivel here?

For one thing, everything that we strange shaved monkeys do is almost certainly fascinating, even if it is almost all immaterial nonsense. It’s a good thing too, because we’re stuck with each other, so it’d suck if we were nothing but boring. I’m addicted to politics, and for someone like me the overabundance of political coverage in a U.S. presidential year is like giving a 55-gallon drum of heroin to a junkhead. I can’t help myself.

You see, I, like the rest of you, think I know the answer to everything. If the world only listened to me, then the world would almost certainly be better, right?

Most people post drivel like this on their Facebook feed or Twitter accounts nowadays. Let’s be honest, no one wants to see that crap. The 140-character attention span of social media is no place for an involved, thoughtful dissertation on an important development in politics. (Or an unimportant one, for that matter.) Face it, your coworker’s uncle’s friend from the neighborhood bar couldn’t give a flying fuck that you think Bernie was screwed out of votes in New York. To be honest, neither do I, and I really don’t want it clogging up my news feed of important cat videos, memes about Dad Joke Han Solo, and he blessedly opportune return of Bloom County. You can’t explain yourself on social media in a fashion that in any way matters or will ever make a difference … so fucking stop it. If you want the space to fully explain your analysis of the world, start a blog.

So I’m taking my own advice. If you want to read what I think, here it is. If you don’t, then don’t. But I won’t clog up your Facebook feed with my otherwise unimportant drivel.

Now back to your Dad Joke Han Solo memes and dreams of Penguin lust.