The Electoral College is an outdated, inefficient system of choosing a chief executive of the administrative branch. But what to replace it with?
Tag: presidential election
Myths about the Electoral College
The United States has a system that is supposed to reflect the will of the people but was also designed to protect racist slave owners and has been warped over the centuries by crass political machines trying to entrench their own power at the state level. Plus it’s supposed to protect us from ourselves, but fails miserably in that instance.
Bernie Sanders Would Not Have Beaten Donald Trump
It’s not a popular opinion in a lot of circles, but Bernie would not have beaten Trump in 2016. For a lot of reasons …
Stop Telling People to Get Over It
After an election whose victor prodded his crowds with Muslim, Mexican, Chinese, and gay straw men to get them excited to vote for him, don’t pile on the side that lost and feels out of place and isolated. They are grieving and upset, and probably have good reason to be.
The Best Thing about Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson is that He’s Not a Libertarian
At best, Gary Johnson is Libertarian Light. In the mid-Nineties, he would have been called a Moderate Republican, but that no longer exists.
The Relative Irrelevance of the Vice President
Probably the most inconsequential part of the election process, the choosing of a running mate for each candidate is given a massively oversized amount of coverage and analysis. But choosing a running mate can be important for a few reasons.
End of the Line Tuesday is Upon Us
Bernie Sanders fought to the end of the 2016 Democratic primary race, but as we near the end, Hillary Clinton has a clear advantage in the remaining states.
April Showers Bring Overrated May Polls
Despite that fact that he’s losing to Hillary Clinton in April, Bernie Sanders’s fans push the idea that he has better polling against Trump, but polls in April historically have little to no bearing on reality.
And Kennedy Begat Reagan (sorta)
When Ted Kennedy ran a hard primary against Jimmy Carter in 1980, and then refused to drop out at the Democratic Convention, he created a situation that opened a path for Ronald Reagan to win. Democrats need to be careful that Bernie Sanders doesn’t do the same for Hillary Clinton.